27 April 2009

Update: Which Pool Builder Is Right For Your Project

You have some big decisions to make about which builder is right for you. Do you like the builder? Does he seem like a nice guy? This is a start but you should be cautioned that the builders are in this for profit. They are not there to make friends. Although, referrals are certainly a good way to get business.

There are several different types of swimming pool builders and stark differences between each. Whatever direction you decide to go, they all have one objective-to get you swimming.

Landscapers or other contractors that also build pools

National builders
Pros-national presence, financial security, warranty, experience
Cons-deal in volume, you can feel lost in the system, lots of red tape, strict contracts, management may not be familiar directly with your project (if you have a problem)

Pros-backed by a bigger builder
Cons-only as secure as the individual franchise, may be backed by a bigger builder but they could be in another state or far away from you

Pros-they are right in your backyard, probably know lots of people in your neighborhood, tend to be more directly involved in a project
Cons-a major lawsuit, missed payment or anything financial could bankrupt them, they may not be as up to date on technology as a bigger builder

Landscapers or other contractors that also build pools
Pros-they tend to deal mostly in custom projects, landscapers look outside of the pool itself for other things that may need to be done, they may be the ones that do custom stone work for the big builder anyway
Cons-lack of general pool building experience, may be wrapped up in one project for long periods of time and unable to get to yours, may not carry proper insurance tailored to a pool, may think they know how to build a pool but find themselves in over their heads

There are many pluses and minuses for each type of builder. In all honesty, I could sit here and argue for or against each one of these. I could be working for a national company this week and tell you how much of a risk it is to go with the local guy. Next week, I could go to work for a local guy and tell you how awful the national guys are. Truth be told, many of the employees of one have worked at the others at some point. It is up to you to find out what feels right and go with your gut. Referrals are a big help as well.

Example sales pitch from national pool builder:
We have been the largest builder year after year. We have the stability of a national company. We stand behind our warranty like no local builder can. Imagine what would happen, after your pool is built, if that local guy got sued on another project and it bankrupted him. How good would your warranty be then?
The truth: warranties are only as good as the company standing behind them. The national company can file for bankruptcy just as well as anyone else. They can also merge, sell out or be taken over with conditions that the new company is not responsible for any business dealings the previous company had. Plus, they can hide behind teams of lawyers or in house legal counsel.

Example counter sales pitch from local pool builder:
Those big guys are gonna run you through the ringer. Do you want to call a person or a call center with a question or problem? Their warranty seems really great. Wait until you have an issue and spend the rest of your life in litigation with them.
The truth: the warranty issue can be argued either way.

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